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再訪高雄加工出口區: 開拓產業移工衛教關懷服務新場域

WHC-USR visits Kaohsiung Export Processing Zone: Expanding New Sites for Caring Migrant Workers

(23/02/2021 高雄,季慕華撰稿) 繼去年在瑞儀公司進行新冠肺炎衛教宣導後,團隊再度造訪加工區,研商與管理處和區內廠家合作事宜。文藻六位成員,包括廖俊芳教授、周則銘教授、徐慧韻教授、梅馨云老師、季慕華老師、林思如助理,由管理處課員郭法伶、戴國順先生及陳逸君護理師等接待,並與代表規畫日後之合作。商談以觀看簡介影片開始,揭示USR團隊願景和使命,再由廖俊芳教授介紹計畫工作概況。隨即進入合作方案項目討論,釐清加工區移工需求、目標對象(國籍和語言)、參與人數、時間與場地、與衛生所合作之衛教活動形式和相關設備、獎勵機制與回饋問卷等。梅馨云老師提出專為移工設計之活動,雙方交談熱烈直至離別時刻,本次會談於初春的愉悅氣氛中圓滿結束,新的學習服務場域指日可待。

(23/02/2021 Kaohsiung, written by Yolanda Chi) After Covid-19 pandemic prevention campaign at Radiant Opto-electronics Corporation last year, WHC-USR team visited Kaohsiung Export Processing Zone again to discuss opportunities for collaboration with the Administration Office and the plants in the zone. The 6 members, including Prof. Melody Liao, Prof. Peter Chou, Prof. Elodie Hsu, Ms. Angie Mei, Ms. Yolanda Chi, and Project Assistant Jollis Lin, were well received by Ms. Faling Guo, Mr.Tai and Ms. Chen who are in charge of the planning for the cooperation. The discussion started with WHC-USR videos, revealing clearly the vision and mission and followed by Professor Liao’s brief introduction to the whole project. Without delay, both parties soon got into the detailed discussion to clarify a few items, such as the needs of the migrant workers in the processing zone, targeted audience (nationality and language), number of participants, time and venues, collaborative activities with district health center for health education and equipment, incentives and feedback survey. Fervent communication continued in Ms. Angie Mei’s proposals tailored for migrant workers until departure time when the meeting ended in the pleasant spring atmosphere and the expectation of new service learning sites to come into being.


發布日期 2021-03-04