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大手牽小手的第一種可能:得勝牽情,立德文藻相見歡 (撰文:季慕華)

[2021/03/31高雄]在3/25 USR教師社群邀請三位國中小學校長以大手牽小手為題的座談之後,USR小螺絲釘立馬化為行動,10位文藻的學生輔導小老師於3/31下午首次來到左營立德國中,與22位學生相見歡,接下來將有兩個月的時間陪伴這些處於學習弱勢的學生,輔導英文課業,引發學習興趣,提升學習自信。



The first possibility when working hand-in-hand: Victory and Love. The joyous meeting of Wenzao and Lide Junior High. (Written by Peter Chou)

After the faculty community meeting on 3/25, Wenzao USR WHC took immediate action by bringing 10 Wenzao students to Zuoying’s Lide Middle School for an acquaintance meeting on the afternoon of 3/31. The students from Wenzao will be spending two months helping 22 students from Lide Middle School who are disadvantaged in learning. Through tutoring English, the goal of the collaboration is to help the middle school students increase their interest and motivation in learning English.

The Principal of Lide Middle Schoo, Raikai Hong personally welcomed Wenzao teachers and students and introduced the school’s administrative staff and English teachers. The opportunity for this collaboration came from Champions Education Association, which has been committed to youth education for many years and cultivated service-oriented future leaders. Director Xiujuan Wu especially emphasized the association’s vision of "learning with joy and serving with love". Director Wu visited both schools many times in order to make this education connection, in particular, to train Wenzao students to become tutors.

For Wenzao, Professor Janet Weng introduced the purpose of the trip, and the team members, which include Professor Peter Chou, Professor Tai-liang Chen, Professor Yoland Chi, teaching assistants Jollis Lin and Finn Han. After that, an ice-breaker activity was launched. Everyone took a piece of colored paper, answered several English questions, and then they had to look for partners with the same answers from other students with different colored papers. Students who found the most partners with the same answers is the winner. Student from Lide Middle School quickly overcame their shyness and interacted with Wenzao’s students. After just five minutes, students from Lide were the three highest-scoring participants. Finally, as the teachers left for their own discussion, the students from both schools break into small groups and shared drinks and snacks while discussing course syllabus, teaching materials, etc. This gathering left a big smile on everyone's face, and they all look forward to the next meeting.


發布日期 2021-07-23