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文藻外語大學「溫暖白色巨塔的小螺絲釘─文藻國際志工共創就醫無障礙」USR 社會實踐計畫,於六月十六日晚間6:30舉行線上將近130人的期末慶賀與成果發表會。每年的發表會對於USR實踐計畫而言,都是重大的事情,因為在這個大會上,可以展現USR計畫一學期來的服務成果以及同學們的反思,可說是整學期活動中最美麗的句點。


本學期負責營隊的同學們雖做了充份的準備,但由於疫情的關係,營隊皆臨時取消,大家都感到遺憾,但幸運的是同學在準備的過程中,依然是收穫滿滿。這次成果發表會採取遠距進行,透過Microsoft Teams進行期末慶賀成果發表,有將近130位團隊成員們在線上進行交流,這也是USR計畫有史以來的第一次。






The end-of-semester celebration and results presentationBy Chien-Hsun, Lin and Peter Chou

The end of semester celebration and reflection was held at 18:30 on the evening of June 16, 2021 for everyone who is a part of Wenzao Healthcare Communication – University Social Responsibility (WHC-USR) Project. This annual celebration is a major event in the USR project because the reflections and the service results of the students are displayed and shared, making it the most emotional and moving activity in the entire semester.

Unlike a typical course, the presentation of the service results has always been conducted in a form of a competition. Depending on the service field and the respective courses, a total of ten teams participated in this year’s competition. The experience shared by all the students is the general service in the hospitals, while professional services for the course include afterschool lessons in Lide and Zuoying Middle School, planning and organizing elementary school camps in Qishan and Lingkou, and teaching English lessons online to children in Cambodia. Although the students in charge of the elementary camps this semester have made sufficient preparations, but due to the epidemic, the camps were cancelled. Even though everyone was disappointed, the students were still able to present their results online. The end of semester celebration was announced through Microsoft Teams with nearly 130 participants joining this celebration. This was the first time in the history of the USR project to host an online celebration.

The jury for the competition is composed of partners and guests from the various service fields and school teachers. The guests include Director Yifeng Lin of E-Da Hospital, International Director of Xiaogang Hospital Dr. Junhong Chen, Principal Wensheng Li of Qishan Elementary School, Principal Quegen Ye of Lingkou Elementary, Principal Ruikai Hong of Lide Secondary School, Secretary-General Jiali Hong of Winners Education Association, Director Jinxiu Shen and Director Xiujuan Wu. The distinguished guests not only gave the students the great assistance in the process of serving the students, but also rated the students’ presentation and cheered for them.

At the beginning of the celebration, the teachers gave blessings and cheered for the students who did their services during the epidemic. In a joyful atmosphere, the students from each group gave their presentation. There were a total of 10 groups and each group made sufficient preparations beforehand which include PPTs and short videos.

For the service in the hospital, the students only engaged in simple tasks such as making beds in the emergency room, assisting in data input at the counter, lending wheelchair and guiding patients. But for the students, this is a big step out of their comfort zone. They learn to get along with bad-tempered patients, use patience to solve problems, and learning from other volunteers. They also witnessed the hard work and dedication of medical staff at the hospital, the cycle of life, and learned to cherish life’s blessings. These are not things that they can learn if they only study in school. These extra experiences are what the USR course really wants to give to the students.

Wenzao is an international school, so students in the USR also included students from all over the world. These foreign students encountered many challenges and difficulties in cross-cultural communication. One of the foreign student shared that she met a grandmother who only speaks Taiwanese during her hospital service. She was unprepared for such a scene but through perseverance, she was able to complete the task with enthusiasm, patience and love.

After the intermission, the guests issued volunteer certificates and gave warm remarks to the students. Principal Quegen Ye of Lingkou Elementary said that it was disappointing that the camp was cancelled but he has seen the effort and dedication of the students. Jiali Hong, secretary-general of the Winners Education Association, said that the greatest reward in life is the opportunity to do what you want and exert your positive influence. The world will be better because of you and me. Director Yifeng Lin of E-da said that the hospital is a very special place because you can see people of all ages from newborn babies, to the very old and ill. He hopes everyone have grown from their experience, see the needs of others, and discover their own shortcomings at the same time. Dr Junhong Chen of Xiaogang Hospital is very busy, in order to participate in the celebration, he stayed in the hospital even after his work finished. He said that since Xiaogang Hospital is very far from Wenzao, he originally thought that no students would be willing to volunteer in the hospital. However, he did not expect more than 30 students came. He affirmed the patience, enthusiasm and love of the students and thanked everyone. In the end, Principal Ruikai Hong said that the true meaning of volunteerism will make life more radiant. We must pass on such stories so that many more people can share the brilliance of life.


發布日期 2021-07-23