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20211127 標準化病人培訓工作坊

發布日期 2021-12-14



2021年11月27日於高雄榮民總醫院舉行標準化病人培訓工作坊,本課程目的為學習如何做個標準化病人(Standardized Patient),協助醫師的OSCE評核測驗。首先由主講人向學員們講述標準化病人之概要,如該身分及OSCE測驗的目的,隨後並以分組的方式進行演練,由訓練者帶領學員導讀劇本、教案討論及實際演練,並教導演出技巧,引導同學進行角色形塑、情緒、性格與病徵的模擬,模仿實際病患的症狀及反應,接著將學員們分成7個小組進入臨床技能訓練室(OSCE Room),在不同診間進行分組演練(個別是子宮肌瘤、頭痛、全身癢、貧血、右上腹痛、吞嚥困難、及黃疸),由訓練師扮演考生,讓學員模擬OSCE測驗進行實際演練,立即測驗訓練成果。





Standardized patient training workshop

(Revised by Peter Chou and Sandy Huang.)

On November 27, 2021, students from Wenzao WHC-USR attended a training workshop at Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital. The purpose of this training course is to learn how to be a Standardized Patient and assist physicians in the OSCE assessment test.

The training started by giving the students a summary of what a standardized patient is and its role during the OSCE test. The students then break into three groups where the trainers guide the students on how to read the script, discuss the key focus of each case and teach the performance skills. A good standard patient should be able to simulate the emotions, personality and imitate the symptoms of the actual patient. After a brief demonstration by the trainers, the students were led into the clinical skill training room (OSCE Room), and conducted small group simulation exercises. The topics for the simulation exercises include uterine fibroids, headache, general itching, anemia, right upper abdominal pain, dysphagia, and jaundice. The trainer played the role of the doctor and the students simulate the patient in a mock OSCE test. After the practice, the students’ performance was evaluated by the trainers.

First, for the trainees to perform "acute cholecystitis" patients, the trainer will explain the symptoms to the trainees. When patients with gallbladder inflammation breathe, they will only take half of their normal breath due to pain, this is because they will feel pain when their gallbladder is pressed by the surrounding organs. At this time, standard patients should interpret eight-point pain. Since standardized patients need to faithfully represent the patient's condition and perform the same symptoms to different people, they should have the same response every time they perform. This is also one of the main points of being a standardized patient. This process is very hard, but it is very helpful for clinical diagnosis and medical education. Compared with traditional standardized examinations, standardized patients add more authenticity, challenge students' on-the-spot reactions, and are an important bridge for communication between doctors and patients. In this way, doctors can develop their skills in questioning patients, and doctors can practice judging possible diseases based on the symptoms described by the patients.

At the end of the activity, comprehensive discussions and summary sharing were used to draw a perfect end to a fulfilling day. At the same time, many students also shared their full harvest and feedback. One of the students said sincerely: "I never thought that I, who was studying liberal arts, could one day experience these things that I had never tried in school. In the process, I also created a connection between literature and medicine, which is very valuable experience of!" The trainers also gave feedback: "This is the first time I have encountered students from non-medical departments participating in SP training. Although Wenzao's students don’t have knowledge about the medical content, they can quickly understand and fully demonstrate the content of the teaching plan. Very excellent!"

Giving is more blessed than receiving, and helping others is the foundation of happiness. Through this SP training, whether it is the organizer, co-organizer, trainers and students, they are all angels who create and promote the advancement of medical education in Taiwan.