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發布日期 2022-01-17

New Projects and Old Friends: Future Chinese Lessons for Partner Schools in Cambodia

(By Peter Chou, edited by Johnson Lin)

(2022/1/17) Wenzao USR-WHC will embark a new chapter by providing Chinese lessons to disadvantaged children in Cambodia. In the past two years, Wenzao International Volunteers have been teaching English online to Cambodian children in remote villages due to the epidemic. With the success of the English teaching program, USR-WHC will start providing Chinese lessons through our partnership with Cambodia Green Umbrella. The online meeting started with a warm welcome with a lot of new and old faces, including members of Wenzao USR-WHC (Melody Liao, Jenny Sun, Johnson Lin, little Su Lin, Janet Weng, Elodie HSU Hui-Yun, Peter Chou, Yolanda Chi), Director of Department of Applied Chinese Fu-An Zhuo, Sokrath Hour of Cambodia Green Umbrella, Samrath Chhoy of Green Umbrella School, and our new group of Chinese language teachers.

The new Chinese language program will start in the spring semester of 2022. The twelve-week program will include topics such as Pinyin, school, everyday life, numbers, and time. These are practical topics very suitable for young children in Cambodia, allowing them to gain a basic understanding of the Chinese language. Hopefully in the future, these children can use their foreign language ability to improve their lives and transition into a successful future. Service learning is not just about helping others in the present, but also impacting their lives in the future, seeing this change is what makes our efforts in doing volunteer and service learning meaningful.

新合作與老朋友: 為柬埔寨的夥伴開發新的中文課程


(2022/1/17) 文藻外語大學USR計畫-溫暖白色巨塔的小螺絲釘,將為柬埔寨的弱勢兒童提供中文課程,開啟新的篇章。

近兩年因疫情,文藻國際志工採用遠距的方式,為柬埔寨偏鄉的兒童教授英語。 由於英語教學的成功經驗,透過與柬埔寨綠雨傘(Green Umbrella)小學的合作,進一步開始提供中文課程。 線上會議在熱烈的歡迎聲中開始,新、老面孔紛紛亮相,參與的有溫暖白色巨塔的小螺絲釘團隊-廖俊芳老師、孫韵芳老師、林建勳老師、林景蘇老師、翁一珍老師、徐慧韻老師、周則銘老師、季慕華老師。應用華語文系卓福安主任也與會鼓勵,柬埔寨綠雨傘小學方面則有創辦人 Sokrath Hour 以及教務主任 Samrath Chhoy與會,同時在現場或線上的還有將要投入服務的應華系學生們。

新的漢語課程將於2022年春季學期開課。為期十二週的課程將包括拼音、家庭、身體、學校、日常生活、數字和時間等主題。 這些都是非常適合柬埔寨兒童的實用話題,讓他們對漢語有一個基本的了解。 希望在未來,這些孩子可以利用他們的外語能力來改善他們的生活,並擁有一個美好的未來。
