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發布日期 2022-01-18 10:19:00


IV. Fulfill University Social Responsibilities


We put more efforts into community care and organize international USR projects.


By serving as a heart-warming facilitator of accessibility to healthcare, we lead our students to be global citizens.


  身為本校特色計畫的「溫暖白色巨塔的小螺絲釘—文藻國際志工共創就醫無障礙USR社會實踐計畫,自2018年起,即與長駐柬埔寨的無著公益服務協會(Asanga)、柬埔寨綠雨傘(Green Umbrella兩大組織簽訂合作備忘錄,進行產官學多方合作,共同擴散跨國社會影響力,服務約450Karina Kumar School KKS)孩童,提供免費創新線上英語課程、防疫與衛生觀念教育、協助募捐相關物資送至柬埔寨,把來自台灣的愛暖暖地送進柬埔寨境內發展中區域,以協助場域夥伴KKS於全球疫情肆虐期間依然獲得持續不停歇的關懷。

  Tiny Screws of White Tower: International Volunteers for the Furtherment of Accessibility to Healthcare is our featured project for USR. In 2018, we signed memorandums of cooperation with Asanga International Aid and Green Umbrella Organization, two entities long based in Cambodia, to conduct cooperation with industries, government agencies, and academic institutions, as well as increase our influence in the international community. Under the memorandums, we served about 450 children from Karina Kumar School (KKS) by providing them with free and innovative online English courses and anti-pendemic and hygiene education. We also helped collect supplies and deliver them to KKS and other developing regions in Cambodia, sending them the good wills and care from Taiwan amid the pandemic.

  在疫情險峻期間,由本校10位教師組成之主持人團隊持續積極鏈結高雄醫學大學、高雄市立立德國中、旗山國民小學及嶺口國民小學等校之教師,及高雄榮民總醫院、義大醫療財團法人義大醫院及高雄市立小港醫院之專業醫務人員,形成強而有力的跨界團隊推動專業服務學習課程、國際專業服務領導、商管專業服務學習,共161學生修課。計畫團隊之推動成果受各界肯定,除於今年3月榮獲2021遠見USR永續獎外,更於11月再次獲選2021 Online Expo亮點故事獎之殊榮。

  Even when the pandemic raged, a team of 10 principal investigators continued to work with teachers from Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung Municipal Lide Junior High School, Cishan Elementary School, and Lingkou Elementary School as well as medical professionals from Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, E-DA Hospital, and Kaohsiung Municipal Siaogang Hospital to form a solid cross-field team in medical service. Under the cooperation, we promoted service-learning courses featuring international leadership and business administration. There were 161 students enrolled in these courses. The project team was highly acclaimed for its performance and was awarded the 2021 USR Sustainability Award by Global View Monthly this March and the Spotlight Story Award in the 2021 USR Online Expo this November.


  To ensure the sustainability of the project, we continued to recruit students for our international volunteer service team. Based on the spirit of Togetherness in the Laurel Method, we organized several on-campus charity events to sell Cambodian specialties to raise funds and collect supplies to help improve the learning environment of children in Cambodia. Even with the pandemic worsening in Taiwan from April to May this year, our teachers and students spared no efforts to develop innovative English teaching materials for elementary schools in remote areas in Cambodia, so that children in these areas could keep learning using this innovative way of distance learning amid the pandemic. We also translated Covid-19 information released by Taiwan Center for Disease Control into English, Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian and other foreign languages and promoted it on Line Business ID to keep foreigners in Taiwan updated.


  Through the aforementioned efforts, we helped students apply their language skills and what they had learned during volunteer training to help people in need across the world. By turning knowledge into power and playing their parts well, our students took actions to convey to the world that love could transcend borders and languages. As a university, we will continue to provide the “nutrients” needed for the cultivation of future talents with both international perspectives and global mobility.

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(Pic./ Teachers and students organize a photography exhibition featuring migrant workers)



We are the same and equal even with different cultural backgrounds.


Wenzao flips the traditional thinking of university education and create a multicultural environment with both international and local characteristics for new immigrants.


   本校「藻到新力亮~文藻USR新住民以及新移工(以下統稱新住民)關懷增能計畫」以「SDG 4 優質教育:確保有教無類、公平以及高品質的教育,及提倡終身學習」與「SDG 10 減少不平等:減少國內及國家間的不平等」為推動目標,配合計畫主軸之欲透過大學為首,號召產、官、學界一同投入解決新住民及新移工(以下統稱新住民)與台灣社會和文化之適應困境,除了透過語文專業,為新住民強化英、華語能力,並結合社會及政府單位,為新住民提供多方培力機會,由本校籌辦「高雄新住民多元文化市集」,協助他們得以逐步擺脫適應台灣社會的基本困難,提升工作的基本知能,從而有能力健全自身及家庭。更於11010月起與台灣家樂福公司及其文教基金會,於高雄成功店合作舉辦第一場大型 CSR結合USR活動 —「藻到家樂福-多元共榮好幸福」新住民市集。

   With SDG 4: Quality Education (ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all) and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities (reduce inequalities within and among countries) as goals, we organized the Wenzao USR Caring and Empowerment Project for New Immigrants and Migrant Workers (hereinafter collectively referred to as new immigrants), taking the initiative to call on industries, government agencies, and academic institutions to work together to solve the difficulties of new immigrants in adapting to the society and culture of Taiwan. We applied our language expertise to help new immigrants improve their English and Chinese language skills, and worked with government agencies and civic organizations to empower them by holding such activities as Kaohsiung Multicultural Immigrants Sunday Market. All of these efforts aimed to help them overcome the difficulties of living in Taiwan and enhance their basic job skills, so that they could improve life for themselves and their families. This October, we worked with Carrefour Taiwan and its culture and education foundation to organize the first large CSR - USR activity, Wenzao Carrefour Diversity and Inclusion New Immigrants’ Marketplace, in Carrefour Chengkung Store in Kaohsiung.


   Our project team organized various empowerment workshops for new immigrants, guiding them to establish associations and apply for government subsidies at all levels. We expected that with project grants from the Ministry of Education and the support of our teachers and students, new immigrants would continue to improve themselves. The ultimate goal was to increase the social status of new immigrants as a whole and reduce inequality, so that new immigrants and their children would live a life with dignity in Taiwan. To lead students to better serve and care for new immigrants, the project team worked with government agencies and non-government organizations, such as Kaohsiung Friends of Indonesia Association, the Second Service Center of the National Immigration Agency, Renyi Village of Gangshan District, and Lijhih New Town Development Association, to promote communities as care service bases. We led students to plan tutorials for children of new immigrants, organize care actions for migrant workers, and provide evening lecturers in these communities. In 2021, there were 6 principal investigators, 87 students, and 247 volunteers devoted to the implementation of relevant activities.


  We expected that the aforementioned efforts would facilitate understanding between the community residents and new immigrants in a way that they would give each other more respect and care. “People” is the power that inspires our plans and courses. The lack of understanding will lead to the absence of love. We believe that if more Taiwanese have a better understanding of new immigrants, they will cherish them more and treat them as a part of the Taiwanese society.

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(Pic./ Project team organizes an activity for the elderly and migrant care workers in Lijhih New Town)



Wenzao colleges work with local communities to fulfill USR.


Wenzao strives to utilize its expertise to contribute to society in the post-pandemic era.


   本校歐亞語文學院辦理「歐亞語文學院觀光文化導覽USR Hub」計畫(USR Hub Project for Cultural Tourist Guiding),今年度計畫執行重點為「展化」,透過鏈結鹽埕社區發展協會及鹽埕區公所,合作開設第二外語課程(法、德、西、日、韓語),6位教師協同製作簡易外語學習教材,共計70位周邊商家人員參與。本校也成立教師社群,以鹽埕埔觀光為主題辦理4場分享會,除邀請講者蒞校為教師們分享高雄發展歷史,也邀請到淡江大學張志勇講師為本校教師分享外語如何結合人工智慧。

  The College of European and Asian Languages organized the USR Hub Project for Cultural Tourist Guiding. Focusing on the implementation on “expansion” this year, it worked with Yancheng Community Development Association and Yancheng District Office to offer second and foreign language courses (French, German, Spanish, Japanese, and Korean). Six of our teachers taught these foreign languages to 70 participants from the local businesses with the basic teaching materials they had made together. We also created teacher communities and organized four seminars on Yanchengpu sightseeing, inviting not only lecturers to talk about the history of the development of Kaohsiung but also Jhih-yong Jhang, a lecturer from Tamkang University, to talk about how foreign languages could be integrated with artificial intelligence.


  The College of European and Asian Languages also made videos and designed leaflets to promote Yancheng District sightseeing. The leaflets will be translated into seven foreign languages (French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, and Indonesian), and the videos will be played on the website of the Tourism Bureau of the Kaohsiung City Government or on MRT trains (video link: http://gofile.me/6UdFP/xM00LnHtp)

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(圖/歐亞語文學院觀光文化導覽USR Hub社區商家外語課程精進計畫教材)

(Pic./ College of European and Asian Languages designs foreign language teaching materials for local businesses under the USR Hub Project for Cultural Tourist Guiding)


  本校國際文教暨涉外事務學院透過「Our Town 社區體驗遊程國際平台」計畫(“Our Town – International Platform for Community Experience Tours” Project),倡議協助解決偏鄉與老化社區發展,以及與國際體驗旅遊平台合作推廣社區做為創生動力,目的為發現社區的美好並開發深度體驗遊程,期能保存在地文化、保護自然生態、發揚地方文化特色與國際交流。110年與傳播藝術系合作新媒體創意實踐營,以舊城文史與在地文化,進行中英文主播、中英文廣播、微電影拍攝研習。英語社區體驗遊程與營隊設計與實作,與社區單位共同進行創意體驗遊程規劃。110年度共計約270人次學生參與英語社區導覽解說與體驗遊程規劃。

  The College of International Culture, Education, and Foreign Affairs initiated Our Town: International Platform for Community Experience Tours Project, through which it helped with the development of remote and aging communities. It also worked with international experience tourism platforms to promote local communities as a driving force for place-making. The aim was to discover the beauty of local communities and develop in-depth experience tours to preserve local cultures, protect natural ecosystems, promote local features, and encourage international exchanges. In 2021, the college worked with the Department of Communication Arts to organize New Media Creation and Implementation Camp, providing Chinese-English news anchoring, Chinese-English radio broadcasting, and microfilm production featuring the history of Zuoying Old Town and local cultures. It also worked with communities to design and provide creative community-based experience tours. In 2021, there were about 270 students participating in the provision of English tour guiding services and the planning of experience tours.

   另外,110年度建立與家樂福文教基金會與Impact Hub合作關係,推出食物轉型與藝術季宣傳等計畫,並甄選30位學生參與由嘉義縣政府辦理、家樂福文教基金會與故宮南院策展之家樂福文化藝術季服務計畫,提升本校師生規劃大型社會關懷活動策畫與執行經驗。

  In 2021, the college worked with Carrefour Impact Hub on such projects as Act for Food and Carrefour Arts Festival. To enrich students’ experience in curating and implementing large social care activities, it selected 30 students to participate in the service program of Carrefour Arts Festival, which was organized by the Chiayi County Government and curated by Carrefour Impact and Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum.

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(Pic./ Guided tour for the history of Zuoying Old Town and cultures of local communities)



  See the Needs and Assist in Education Project implemented by College of New Media and Management emphasized increasing opportunities for disadvantaged children with digital technology. It offered digital distance tutorials to disadvantaged children, providing them with opportunities for diverse learning.


  The focus this year was Digitization of Teaching Materials for Small Elementary Schools in Kaohsiung City and Integrated Digital Learning Partner Program: Training, Guidance, and Practice for Senior Learning Partners in Teaching Material Compilation. To meet the needs of Wucyuan Elementary School and small elementary schools in Kaohsiung City for Chinese, English, math, and science and technology tutorials, we focused on designing and digitizing teaching materials of math and science for the early grades of elementary schools. We cultivated digital tutoring volunteers and involved them in on-site tutoring services. We also invited professional teachers to help establish online teaching channels and improve students’ knowledge base and skill set in this area, so that our students could offer digital distance tutoring courses to disadvantaged children during the pandemic and provide them with opportunities for diverse learning. We organized 202 distance tutorials and 14 physical tutorials this year with the participation of 5,120 people.


  Moreover, we integrated resources from the Digital Learning Partner Program of the Ministry of Education to produce a series of online teaching materials to cultivate volunteers’ skills regarding digital distance tutoring, software application, teaching material compilation, oral expression, and hands-on application of knowledge. We produced 88 videos in 2021 (Oh! Show! Meeting Room - Wenzao Little Academy: https://reurl.cc/3jLgn8). The project team participated in Hand-in-Hand 20: Volunteer Service Creative Film Contest organized by the Social Affairs Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government and won third place in the creative film category.

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(Pic./ Art creation and art accompany teaching activities for students from Cifong, Nansi, and Sinfong elementary schools)



  Ursuline College of Liberal Arts organized the Project of Joyful Life, Joyful Heart, Joyful Spirit: Community Care for the Elderly to serve senior citizens in communities. In 2021, our student teams and teachers from the college’s affiliated Center for Ursuline Education, Center for General Education, and Center for Physical Education worked with teams from the Church of the Holy Name of Jesus and local connections to organize 12 courses for the elderly at the church. The courses included fitness yoga, Tai Chi, contracts and civil law, whole-person development, and mind-healing coloring. They also organized cross-disciplinary community seminars on such topics as health management, mental adjustment, legal practice, and spiritual growth, so as to improve the knowledge base and skill set of teachers and volunteers of non-governmental organizations. Each seminar saw the participation of 30 to 35 senior citizens.

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(Pic./ A group photo of Wenzao team and senior citizens)