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發布日期 2022-06-07 13:55:00

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(2022/06/02,高雄) 歷經半年來疫情的起伏變化,WHC-USR 的小螺絲釘們,於六月二日晚間,進行了一場長達三小時的反思慶賀,為本學期的服務學習畫下圓滿的句點,也在端午佳節前夕,展現如龍舟競賽般的團隊精神,在艱難的情況下奮力奪標。這場慶賀由文藻施忠賢副校長開場致詞,歡迎嘉賓,並感謝場域夥伴的長期支持,文藻師生獲益良多。來賓包括義大團隊林宜鋒主任、陳嘉卿高專、駱佳琦督導、許文甄管理師;立德國中洪瑞鍇校長,旗山國小李紋勝校長,嶺口國小葉鵲根校長,善導書院陳文靜院長和吳俐萱老師,徐安娜影音行銷公司徐慧如創辦人。今晚的神祕嘉賓是教育部蔡清華政次,也是心在文藻的前副校長,長期關心小螺絲釘的發展,他在端午假期尚須忙於公務,特別留在辦公室參加線上慶賀,也帶來好消息,教育部未來將提供偏鄉學童平板電腦,可以帶回家中長期使用,有助遠距教學和課業輔導,如此溫暖白色巨塔的小螺絲釘們更能展現能力,實踐大學社會責任了。


整場成果展以競賽方式進行,各組卯足全力,製作簡報和影片,特別感謝徐慧如老師指導,使各組影片更能凸顯重點,編輯效果更為順暢。也感謝梅馨云老師的感性時間,沉澱大家的塵囂俗事,回到單純的自我對話。更要感謝徐慧韻老師不厭其煩,帶領所有工作人員反覆排練,尤其兩位主持的絕配,風趣機智,分秒不差一氣呵成的串場。當然少不了感謝廖俊芳老師帶領的團隊一路陪伴,看到同學的蛻變,團隊老師們都深感欣慰。在此特別恭喜獲獎的隊伍: 柬單愛(柬埔寨英語志工),慈惠開心農場(善導書院),旗待在義次相遇(旗山國小)、見醫勇為(義大醫院)、愛很柬單(柬埔寨華語志工)。所有同學不只是學習與服務雙贏,更是放眼世界的大贏家。


Unwavering Commitment to Pandemic Prevention and Healthcare Promotion, Rejoicing WHC-USR Celebrations before the Dragon Boat Festival

(Written by Yolanda Chi)

(2022/06/02, Kaohsiung) After the rise and fall of the Omicron spread in the past 6 months, members of the WHC-USR conducted on June 2nd, 2022 a 3-hour-long reflection to celebrate the perfect ending for their service learning this semester. On the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival, every team, just like competing racers in the boat race, revealed their unifying morale and wield strengths to reach the final destination at full speed. The celebrations began with the opening remarks by VP Chunghsien Shih of Wenzao University, who heartily welcomed the guests and thanked them as great partners for their long-term support, benefiting both Wenzao faculty and students. Guests include delegates from E-Da Hospital, Director Yifeng Lin, Senior Manager Chiaching Chen, Supervisor Chiachi Lo and Manager Wentseng Hsu, as well as Principal Ruikai Hong of Lide Junior High School, Principal Wensheng Li of Qishan Elementary School, Principal Quegen Ye of Lingkou Elementary School, Director Wenching Chen and Ms. Lihsuan Wu of the Sundoor Academy, and Founder Huei-ju Hsu of Anna Hsu Videos Co. The distinguished guest was Political Deputy Minister Chinghua Tsai of the Ministery of Education and also former Wenzao VP, who has never forgotten about Wenzao and especially the development of the members of WHC-USR. Out of a very tight schedule during the Dragon Boat Festival, Dr. Tsai stayed in his office to join our celebrations and brought the good news: in the near future, children in the rural areas will be able to get a loan of tablets from their schools to be used at home for the whole semester, which will benefit distance learning and after-class consultation. It can be anticipated that WHC-USR will be able to wield more influence to fulfill university responsibilities.

In the original plan for this semester, WHC-USR volunteers would serve at E-Da Hospital, or tutor students in the Li-De Junior High School after-school English program during the semester, or conduct weekend camps respectively at Qishan Elementary School, Lingkou Elementary School, the Sundoor Academy, scheduled in May when the pandemic condition was supposed to have stabilized and volunteers had taken two or three doses of vaccination. However, due to the fast spread of Omicron, all in-person activities were forced to a stop, in consideration that junior high and elementary school students might be placed in great risks because they had not been vaccinated. In order not to disappoint those young yearning hearts, the camps immediately switched to an online mode, a lot different from the previous design, within only two weeks for preparation. At their wits’ ends, the TAs and CAs managed to perform their newly assigned roles and took over new duties to support online courses and activities. Either Wenzao faculty and volunteers or the young students and their parents confronted the challenges with patience, broke through a lot of limitation and difficulties, and finally completed the mission. The laughter and tears were reflected in the reflection presentations. In addition to acting locally, WHC-USR members also thought globally, resulting in the brilliant service offered by the international volunteers. In the English language program for KKS, Cambodia, volunteers conducted lessons with spiral progress in language proficiency, while in the newly added Chinese language program for youths from the local public schools in Cambodia, volunteers aroused amazing learning interests and effects though rich content and lively approaches. With very limited assistance from the instructional technology, those learners were able to fully participate in and perform well, no less than those students in-person classes, a reference worthy of further studies.

This final presentation of the reflection proceeded in the form of a contest, in which every team put great efforts on producing a PPT and a video. Special thanks are given to Prof. Hueiju Hsu for helping students with their video-production on the focalized topics and editing effects, to Ms. Angie Mei for her tranquilizing time that brought the participants out of their busy engagements into an inner talk with oneself, to Prof. Elodie Hsu for leading all the staff in the numerous rehearsals, exemplified in the excellent performance of the two hosts, whose witty remarks and timely responses steam up the success of the celebrations, and certainly to Prof. Melody Liao and all the WHC-USR teachers, who accompanied the students throughout the semester and witnessed their transformation. Here we extend our congratulations to the awarded teams: “Simply Love” (volunteering for the English program for Cambodian children in KKS), “Happy Farm” (volunteering for the Sundoor Academy), “Expecting Another Encounter” (volunteering for Qishan Elementary School), “Bravery without Fears (volunteering at E-Da Hospital), and “Love Can be Simple” (volunteering for the Chinese program for Cambodian young adults). All students are winners not only in the sense of their win-win results from learning and service, but also a grand vision on the global stage.